Monday, June 18, 2007

Is A-rod the greatest cheapest player of all time?

Obviously when you're paid more other teams entire payroll, you're gonna be put under a microscope. But when you're part of a classy organization (Sox fans can hate on the pinstripes, but they are usually a class act) and you're arguably one of the greatest players of all time, every move you do is going to be documented and analyzed. So when you screw up, everyone will talk about it. Question is, of the following examples, is A-rod screwing up, or is he by nature just a cheap player?

#1 - Knocking the ball out of Arroyo's glove. When you're running to first, and about to be tagged out by the pitcher, half-way up the basepath, not even close to the bag, what should you do? Do you A) Try to run your hardest, and maybe beat out the tag. B) Suck it up, get tagged out, and next time try to hit the ball out of the infield. C) Take a swing at the pitcher, as if the ump won't notice you physically knocking the ball out of his glove. Kobe got suspended a game for that kind of junk.

#2 - Sliding into Pedroia, elbow first. It's one thing to slide hard into second to try to break up a double play. It's another to come up with the People's Elbow to the sternum of a rookie 2nd baseman three feet away from the bag. Question here is, if A-rod was still playing short, would he still do this, or might he actually realize that what goes around comes around?

#3 - Yelling to distract the Blue Jays 3rd baseman. Once again, A-rod's picking on a rookie. Whether he said, "Mine" or "I got it" or whatever, bottom line is it's cheap. Is it against the rules? Not really. So why doesn't everyone do it? They got more class than this guy. Would this be news if it was anyone other than A-rod? Probably not. And that's the whole point.

So when looking at this freak of homerun-hitting, base-stealing nature, and discussing his hall of fame credentials, take a look at the whole picture. He's that spoiled rotten kid who can show off when he's winning (and rarely comes through in the clutch outside of contract years), doesn't get along well with others (as evident by virtually none of his teamates defending his cheap shots or PR nightmares he creates for himself), and worst of all, will resort to ANYTHING, no matter how cheap it is, to try to win. Whatever happened to the Yankees that just know that they're better than you? That just go out there and perform better than you on the field? And when they're having an off day, take the loss, shine their championship rings, and come back the next day to spank you? Is A-rod one of those Yankees? Or is he just a cheap spoiled brat that doesn't deserve to be in the pinstripes, and taking part in the greatest sports rivalry ever? Maybe next year will be better, when he can make the playoffs with a .500 record for Sweet Lou in the JV NL. And the Yankees will just reload at third base with someone that respects the game.

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